European Roots: A Group To Rediscover Our Indigenous Traditions
There was a clear, blatant, and successful genocide of the European Tribal Peoples. The rise of the empire, the Church, and colonization also meant a suppression and wiping out of the more Earth-based ways of the people. We were given snippets of this brutal history in our education, yet there is so much not spoken.
Who were the original peoples of Europe?
Our textbooks often refer to them as heathens, and barbarians. The history books will tell us that the conquering of these peoples, and these ways, was in the name of religion, and the betterment of all of humanity.
We are in a time to remember who we are. Knowing thyself, has been a cornerstone of most wisdom teachings throughout time. And, as European descended people, most of us do not know where we have come from, who our ancestors are, who are our people, what our traditions are. To know where we come from, gives vision for where we are to go.
Without this knowledge, our root systems are not intact, our memory, and our connection with our ancestors is severed.
And for many European descended people, there is a search and a quest to find a sense of spirituality, a sense of connection with the Earth and with all living beings. The church doctrine has not met many of our quests in a good way, and so many of us turn and gravitate towards indigenous teachings and ways.
The indigenous people of the Americas, through all the genocide here, all that has been attempted to erase their culture, have remained. They have kept in tact, their traditions, their languages, their songs, and their ways. Of course there have been many casualties and many things have been lost. Through determination, resiliency, and deep connection to the land we walk upon, many things have also remained.
As we reach towards these beautiful cultures, there is also a deep remembering that though there are similarities of all indigenous cultures of the world, there are also differences. There is a beautiful diversity when we explore cultures from around the world. And, it is important for us to remember that we are now walking on the bones of the ancestors of the original peoples of this land. For us to then take and practice their culture, can be a further injury to what has already happened.
By learning, remembering, and bringing forward our own indigenous teachings, we can then be in circle and ceremony with the indigenous of this land and we can share instead of take.
Many of us believe this is a key in healing the wound of cultural appropriation
There is much to dig up to connect to these roots.
Most of the songs have been lost.
Most of the traditions have been lost.
Yet, some pieces from this thread remain.
There are stories, and legends that have made it through time.
There are some people still practicing some of the ancient ways.
The ancestors continue to be on the other side to guide us.
The root remains.
And many of us believe this is the time to remember.
To connect deep within the Earth, and Her ways.
That it is time to bring in the power of our ancestors,
To guide us.
When we remember who we are,
We remember our way home.
Our time together will begin with prayer, for each of us to connect with our own lineage and ancestors.
We will partner up with a buddy that is researching the same area so you can hold each other accountable and support one another in discovery.
Every weekend one guest teacher will come for a portion of our time together to share their wisdom and knowledge.
We will share with one another what we are finding, to share resources and direction. There will be home practices to connect deeper with your ancestors, and we will create rituals to honor them based on the traditions we are discovering.
Our intention is to find songs, and stories, prayers, ceremonies, rituals, names of tribal peoples, instruments (especially drums), languages, food traditions and Gods/Goddesses from our own lineage.
This will be both a diving into HERstory, and looking beyond what was written in History.
Each weekend, a guest teacher will come into our group to share their wisdom and teachings.
In this group you will receive:
- Support and connection with a group to do this work together
- Guidance from various teachers on how to connect with your ancestors
- Guidance and wisdom about indigenous people of this land on how we can be sensitive to cultural appropriation.
- A pool of resources on how you can rediscover your roots.
Sliding Scale $77-$333
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Event Quick Info
Virtual Circle
Next circle starts Spring 2021
Saturdays 1 – 4 pm EST On Zoom
March 6th
April 10th
May 8th
June 12th
July 10th
We will close this circle once 20 people sign up.
This five month group is for European descended folks.
Event Pricing:
In the spirit of accessibility and changing the paradigm of the current form of capitalism I offer a sliding scale for all my offerings.
Sliding Scale $77 – $333
And in the spirit of reciprocity and finding a harmonious and abundant exchange, I also welcome other forms of barter and trade. Contact Katrina.
Suggested Price: $333
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About the Facilitators

Katrina Coravos
As a woman who has been on the path of the sacred feminine, it has felt vital over the past few years to bring men into this healing. I became aware that there are not many places for men to heal. And, I also became aware that the suppression of the teachings of the Mother has affected all of us.
Starting to welcome the brothers back to Her temples has been fulfilling, beautiful, healing, and important. Her teachings are for everyone, Her way is for everyone. We are all Her children. And while I think there is importance as well to have women only spaces (especially to honor our blood cycles), I also feel the importance of sharing this tradition with whoever is standing at the temple’s doorways.
Guest Facilitators
Each of these amazing women will come on for a portion of out time together to share their teachings and knowledge.
(more facilitators to be announced soon)

Jen Hudziec
I am Jennifer (she/her), daughter of Linda and Ernest, granddaughter to Hedwig, Rudolph, Geraldine, and Raymond. I am first generation American and reside on Abanaki land in New Hampshire. My people are Slavic, Baltic, Germanic, Norse, and Russian. The disrupted line to my animistic/folk magic ancestry resides with the Polish Whisperers, Ukrainian Molfars, and the Lemko people of the Carpathian Mountains. The ongoing work I have with my ancestors continues to reveal my path forward and I am dedicated to offering healings and teachings from the spirit of these lines.
I am honored to have been in the healing arts for the past 25 years. My life is a diverse mosaic anchored in ritual, initiation, animism and spiritual curiosity. I was raised Roman Catholic and departed organized religion at the age of 18. I subsequently studied and incorporated Witchcraft, Buddhism, Hindu Philosophy, Celtic Paganism, Gnosticism, and European Indigenous Knowledge into my belief systems. I am reclaiming the Pre-Christain Slavic beliefs and magic of my ancestors as a call to deconstruct supremacist and culturally appropriative spiritual practices.
I have 25 years experience in the healing arts and currently offer Ancestral Lineage Repair Session as taught by Dr. Daniel Foor, Spirit Work, Divination, Online Classes and seasonal Fire Walks.

Fearn Lickfield
Fearn Lickfield is a web weaver, faery seer, earth diviner, temple tender, and magical activist. She is the director and headteacher of The Green Mountain Druid School and Ecstatic Dance Vermont. She serves life as a flower essence practitioner, geomancer, dowser, dancer, community organizer, gardener, and medicine maker. She co-creates community celebrations in honor of the earth and waters, the seasons, and for rites of passage. Fearn is the steward of Dreamland, a sanctuary and mystery school in Worcester VT.
To learn more about Fearn and her work visit or email Fearn directly at

Pegi Eyers
Pegi Eyers is the author of the award-winning book Ancient Spirit Rising: Reclaiming Your Roots & Restoring Earth Community, a survey on social justice, decolonization, nature spirituality, earth-emergent healing and the holistic principles of sustainable living. Pegi self-identifies as a Celtic Animist, and is an advocate for the recovery of authentic ancestral wisdom and traditions for all people. She lives in the countryside on the outskirts of Nogojiwanong in Michi Saagiig Nishnaabeg territory (Peterborough, Ontario, Canada), on a hilltop with views reaching for miles in all directions.