The Awakening Man: A 7 Month Healing Circle for Men by Women
There are many men, who during these times, are waking up to the realities of our world.
They recognize that things have come out of alignment, and they are doing their part to repair what has been done.
They are men who know there is a better way, and that this is the moment to embody, a different form of masculinity- a form of masculinity that does not dominate or have power-over, but rather, a form of masculinity that supports, holds, and protects.
Many men who are waking up are weaving in the teachings of the feminine, to replace what has been taken out. By understanding, embracing, and loving the feminine aspects of life, many believe the masculine can be in it’s true and natural form.
The erasure and devaluing of the feminine has set in motion a blueprint for humanity that causes each of us to suppress this nature within.
This journey is designed to bring forward the teachings of the feminine form of divinity, to support men in their journey of self discovery, and healing.
In this virtual temple, we will be exploring the seven archetypes of: Child, King, Lover, Magician, Warrior, Villain, and Hero and how they relate to the feminine aspects of divinity.
Each weekend, we will be looking at the inner landscape of our psyches, to delve into how these archetypes live within us.
We will focus on how these archetypes have been affected by the suppression of the feminine, and the ways of the Mother. By highlighting and sharing feminine-based traditions with you, we will support placing the Great Mother Goddess back into the center of our inner landscapes and world.
Each weekend we will have three women (including me), that will be guiding and sharing during this journey. All the women involved have been deep inside the women's mysteries, the return of the ways of the Goddess, and are all practitioners of various forms of healing and medicine.
As we look at our souls, and unravel what may be there, we will ground into the compassion and unconditional love of what the Great Mother Goddess represents.
We will do this through, song, prayer, shadow work, and ritual.
We will have rituals and assignments between virtual circles as well. You will be partnered up in a "buddy" system as a way to keep each other accountable in the work.
This is a shorter, condensed version of an in person 7 month initiation: Earth’s Rising Sons.
This will be a seven month journey, with monthly 4 hour zoom circles from 1pm-5pm EST on Saturdays.
6 in stock
Event Quick Info
Virtual Circle
Next circle starts Fall 2021
Saturdays 1 – 5 pm EST On Zoom
September 18th Child
October 16th King
November 20th Lover
December 11th Magician
January 15th Warrior
February 19th Villain
March 12th Hero
We will close this circle once 12 people sign up.
This circle is open to anyone who identifies as a male.
Event Pricing:
In the spirit of accessibility and changing the paradigm of the current form of capitalism I offer a sliding scale for all my offerings.
Sliding Scale $333 – $777
And in the spirit of reciprocity and finding a harmonious and abundant exchange, I also welcome other forms of barter and trade. Contact Katrina.
Suggested Price: $777
6 in stock
About the Facilitators

Katrina Coravos
As a woman who has been on the path of the sacred feminine, it has felt vital over the past few years to bring men into this healing. I became aware that there are not many places for men to heal. And, I also became aware that the suppression of the teachings of the Mother has affected all of us.
Starting to welcome the brothers back to Her temples has been fulfilling, beautiful, healing, and important. Her teachings are for everyone, Her way is for everyone. We are all Her children. And while I think there is importance as well to have women only spaces (especially to honor our blood cycles), I also feel the importance of sharing this tradition with whoever is standing at the temple’s doorways.
Guest Facilitators

Marsia Harris (Mother Turtle)
Marsia Shuron Harris aka Mother Turtle, is a facilitator, certified coach, and artist. She has been performing her original compositions for over 25 years. Her voice is distinctive, and her music is rooted in personal growth, love, social consciousness, and a greater vision for the world as a whole. In 2009 she designed and began facilitating “Healing the Stories We Tell Ourselves with Mother Turtle,” where she helps women and men uncover and shift the “stories” that are limiting their life experience. As a facilitator, Marsia is funny, compassionate, intuitive, and gifted with the ability to get you out of your head and into your heart. Using her voice as a tool for healing, she can lift you to great heights through her song, as well as take you to those deep places within that are seeking illumination. Marsia’s classes are unique and take on a deeply spiritual nature as she guides participants toward self empowerment and personal transformation. “It is my goal to address the inner unrest that binds us, and offer a means by which to free ourselves.” Mother Turtle

Lilliana Rivera
Lilliana is a massage therapist, mother of two, and a facilitator of women’s circles. After spending 20+ years deeply immersed in ritualpractices in service of the Goddess traditions of the east, she is finding her way back to the great earth Mother, through her work in the Women’s Temple, where she holds sacred space for women to dive into the heart of what it means to rest in feminine wisdom.
Her longing for awakening is centered in her devotion to truth and supporting leadership that will bring home an undeniable sense of connectedness with all beings. Inspired, she focuses on cultivating inner peace, acceptance, and self compassion, and offering that to others.

Hilary Lake
Hilary Lake is an expressive arts community minister who spans her ministry across diverse communities by bringing her embodied awareness and expression into relationship with the land and all who she meets. She has been contemplating spirituality, studying religion, dancing and singing having studied many forms, from classical to improvisational throughout her life. She graduated from Harvard Divinity School with an MDiv in Buddhist Ministry and has spent time in Thailand, India and Nepal studying the Thai Forest Tradition, Tibetan Buddhism and Charya Nritya, a tantric Buddhist dance form. She has been trained and certified in Somatic Body, JourneyDance and Infinity Healing Practice as well as Walking in Balance, an indigenous council practice. She was recently a Buddhist chaplain resident at Saint Francis Hospital in Hartford, CT and is currently focused on helping white folks to wake up to and transform the embodied reality of racism in our individual lives and collective structures. She also offers individual and group mindful embodiment and sidereal astrology sessions with a commitment to cultivating a culture of freedom, connection and resilience for all beings. For more information about Hilary and Moving in Grace:

Annette Gingras
Annette Gingras is a Therapeutic Crystal Healer, Reiki Master/teacher, Seer, Weaver, and Sacred Space Holder with roots in Native American Ceremony and ritual. She offers her gifts from the roots she has put down in the community of Burlington Vermont where she owns a local business and also lives. As a Crystal Healer and mineral kingdom ally she has been learning from and attuning with crystals her whole life, weaving through the world always with a focus on working with, in and through the Crystal Realms. Annette, has been incorporating the healing power of Crystals in her Reiki healing practice for over 15 years; Reiki I attuned in 2005 and a Master/teacher since 2012 she runs the Reiki Clinic VT and is a board member of the VRA (Vermont Reiki Association). She teachs workshops and classes, facilitates spiritual groups, offers Intuitive readings, and does Therapeutic Crystal work for people, homes and businesses. Annette is also the fifth female owner of Spirit Dancer Crystals & Gifts, a metaphysical Crystal and gift shop that for over 35 years in Burlington VT has been providing a safe space for all those on their path of self mastery and looking for spiritual guidance.

Katherine Elmer
Katherine Elmer grew up in the green hills of Central Vermont (unceded Abenaki territory) and revels in the opportunity to deepen human connection with the natural world in service of collective liberation and healing. She holds many roles including herbalist, activist, social entrepreneur, professor of Integrative Health at the University of Vermont, mother, earth priestess, and artist/performer. She has been blessed to hold roles of daughter, partner, friend, wife and sister to the many amazing men in her life. Her most sacred work with men happens through raising her 10 year old son to be open hearted and to know and use his strength with wisdom, joy and compassion.

Kim Weeter
Kim sees herself first and foremost as a Keeper of the Deep. She is a facilitator, instigator, soulkeeper and embodied public speaker. A leader of experiential workshops for over 20 years, she also works with clients 1-on-1, holding sacred messy life-giving spaces for people to come home to themselves. Kim brings curiosity, boldness, quirkiness, and a core belief that perspective is everything. She is a skilled, present, and powerful change agent, who is personally committed to utilizing our voices and personal stories as a means for individual and cultural transformation.

Juliana Goldstone
Juliana, the creatress of Boldly Embodied, is a pleasure activist, Somatic Sex Educator, Certified Sexological Bodyworker and birth worker. She is the mother of two wonderful wild children and supports people to source themselves deeply in the joy and power of their sexuality so that they can tend to themselves and the future generations with fiercely embodied Love. She lives in Southern Vermont where she has a private practice and lifelong apprenticeship with the wild and poetic wisdom of the body. To learn more about Juliana’s work please visit:

Kristina (Beana Bern) Schreibman
Beana is a creative, energetic, nurturing and passionate: Idea Generator. Maker. Photographer. Integrative Business Coach. Unconventional Executive. Eternal Optimist. Fire Dragon. Networker. ENFP. Artist. Storyteller. Medicine Woman.
Beana is devoted to her own healing and to creating spaces for others to heal and reconnect to their spirits and true selves. Beana’s inner fire dragon likes to shine light into the hard to see places and she most values using radical honesty & compassion to spur and inspire transformative change.
Beana is the visionary founder of Rootstock Retreat a healing refuge and creative sanctuary in Vermont’s northeast kingdom

Melanie Monaco
Melanie Monaco is an Intuitive, Eclectic Energy Worker, who is trained in Usui Reiki, Theta Healing and Quantum Touch. In addition to energy work she also teaches empowerment and boundary enforcement workshops. She is a Certified Basic Physical Defense Instructor and is passionate about healing and preventing trauma and releasing fear. Melanie began studying various martial arts in 2012 and has competed in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu tournaments and Muay Thai kickboxing competitions. Melanie believes that once we alleviate fear in our system we are free to manifest our true life’s purpose.

Laura Joseph
Laura has been providing spiritually based integrative holistic health enrichment throughout New England since 2006 through Healing With Spirit based in Hingham, Ma. She has experience as an allied health professional, domestic violence advocate, college educator, speaker, healer, artist, writer, and spiritual medium. She is also a survivor of abuse who has been successfully healing herself in ways our society and healthcare system failed. You may follow her journey and experience on Instagram or Facebook via Healing Trauma Through Spirit.
Laura brings a unique perspective and understanding of how the effects of traumatic experiences seed themselves in ways that destroy relationships, careers and lives with links to autoimmune diseases, addictions, digestive problems, chronic pain, depression, anxiety, cancer and more. Her philosophy, “trauma isn’t what you think. Heal trauma, you can heal anything.”
Laura brings a strong voice, spirit and presence to helping men heal the subconscious toxicity buried within and restoring wholeness in their lives.

Kanti Devi
Kanti Devi Heilani offers her depth of wisdom in an approachable and digestible way. She draws upon indigenous insight from her Kanaka Maoli (Hawaiian) ancestry and her Śivananda yoga lineage, as well as Ayurvedic knowledge as a student of Dr. Vasant Lad.
As a queer cis-gendered woman of mixed ancestry, Kanti is dedicated to freeing herself from dominant patriarchal culture by acknowledging the colonizer and colonized within her living DNA. She has stood on the frontlines of sacred activism for racial and planetary justice and knows intimately the deep need for self care. Now, she trains other activists, healers and artists to reveal and heal their personal and ancestral wounds to be of true service in the world.
When not working Kanti can be found homesteading and creating peace with gardening and caring for animals.